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Journal Articles

Hydrogen isotope behavior on Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$

Ryan, O.*; Oda, Takuji*; Oya, Yasuhisa*; Tanaka, Satoru*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAERI-Conf 2004-012, p.136 - 139, 2004/07

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JAEA Reports

Study of vibrational spectra of interlayer water in Na-Smectite by means of molecular dynamics simulations

Suzuki, Satoru; Kawamura, Katsuyuki*

JNC TN8400 2001-005, 41 Pages, 2001/04


A correlation between molecular structure and a vibrational spectrum of interlayer water in Na-smectite was investigated by means of Molecular Dymamics (MDs) simulations. Detailed comparison of simulation results with IR spectroscopic observations for the water-smectite system indicated good agreement. Internal vibrational spectra of water were obtained by the Fourier transformation of velocty auto-correlation function of hydrogen atom. A stretching vibrational spectrum of interlayer water consisted of a broad band with a peak top around 3400cm$$^{-1}$$ and a sharp peak around 3650 to 3700cm$$^{-1}$$. The fomer broad band was assigned to O-H vibrations between water molecules as bulk water, while the latter band was attributed to O-H ones oriented to siloxane surface through hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bond distance, determined as the shortest O-O distance by the radial distribution function (RDF), revealed that hydrogen bond distance between water and siloxane surface (O$$_{H2O}$$-O$$_{clay}$$ $$>$$ 3.0 $AA )was larger than that between water molecules (O$_{H2O}$$-O$$_{H2O}$$ = ca. 2.8 AA ). These results suggested that interaction between water molecule and siloxane surface weaker than that between water molecules, although they were forced to be oriented.

Journal Articles

A Study on irradiation-induced structural change of lithium orthosilicate by infrared spectroscopy analysis with MNDO calculation

; Yamaki, Daiju; Noda, Kenji

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 248, p.121 - 127, 1997/00

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:59.68(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Scientific study on iron remains excarated from the ruins of Kaman-Kalehoeyuek, II

; Nagano, Tetsushi;

Anatoria Kokogaku Kenkyu, Vol.2 (Kaman, Karehoyukku 2), p.15 - 24, 1993/00

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JAEA Reports

Analysis of corrosion products of carbon steel in wet bentonite

; Nagano, Tetsushi; ; Muraoka, Susumu

JAERI-M 92-004, 12 Pages, 1992/02


no abstracts in English

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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